Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Crochet Pattern for Water Bottle Holder Carrier Bag

Just added a new video for crocheting water bobble holder/carrier/tote bag

I really do love this pattern.  You can make this water bottle holder and sale them on etsy as I do, or give them away as gifts, use them for fund raising, or just add it to your "Make Your Life Easy Accessories". 

Water Bottle Holder/Carrier/Bag
In my case its a Bobble Bottle Holder/Carrier Bag

This pattern is designed to fit your Bobble Bottle Container
but it does fit any standard water bottle also.

Enjoy the FREE Crochet Pattern for Water Bottle Holder

Row 1
5 chains, connect to form circle

Row 2
4 chains (counts as tc with 1 ch)
9 triple crochet with 1 chain in between - inside the circle or row 1
Slip Stich at end of row

Row 3
4 chains (counts as triple crochet (tc) with 1 ch)
tc in between post, 1 chain
Triple crochet twice in between post with 1 chain in between tc (triple crochet)
Slip Stich at end of row

Row 4
2 Chains, (counts as dc)
Double Crochet in between post
2 Double Crochet in between post
Slip Stitch at end of row

Row 5
1 chain (counts as sc)
Single Crochet in each stitch (working in the back stitch)
Slip Stich at end of row

Row 6
3 chains (counts as dc and 1 chain)
*  Skip a stich and double crochet *
Repeat * 'till end of row
Silp Stich at end of row

Row 7
2 chains (counts as dc)
Double crochet in between post, chain 1
Continue to double crochet in between the post with 1 chain, till end of row

Row 8
3 Chains (counts as dc with 1 ch)
Double crochet in between post, chain 1
Continue to double crochet in between post with 1 chain, till end of row

Row 9 - Repeat Row 7
Row 10 - Repeat Row 8
Row 11 - Repeat Row 7
Row 12 - Repeat Row 8

Row 13
2 chains (counts as dc)
Double Crochet in between post
2 dc in between each post
slip stich at end of row


Row 14
Chain 41, slip stich in same stitch
sc in each stitch (working in the back stitch)
At the end of row continue to single crochet in the handle
slip Stitch at the end.

Secure your yarn inside
and you're all done.

You can follow the same pattern for Wine Bottles or Taller Bottles, just by repeat more of Row 7&8 interchangebly.

Heres a video of this pattern of me crocheting a water bottle holder.

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