Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings and New Goals

I love New Years.  It's a great time to plan for an  even better year.  And thanks to a wonderful 2012, I have an idea what to expect this year and I do believe its going to be even better.

Last year, in January, I opened up my etsy shop optimistically.  I wasn't expecting much, more like testing the waters, so to say.  and after a year later, I am overwhelmed with the outcome and looking forward to an even better year selling on etsy and beyond.  I am very happy that I started in 2012 and saw all of the wonderful upgrades etsy website done, to help us, sellers, sell more of our handmade crafts. 

At the beginning of my etsy shop, I was only accepting Paypal payments.  But as months went along, etsy has added a new feature, to shop owners.  My etsy shop now has the ability to accept both Paypal and Credit card payments.  And they also added a new feature which is gift cards.  I did received some gift cards orders.  That was another wonderful upgrade.

The best upgrade that I saw on etsy, is the ability to print shipping labels right on etsy.  That's saves me time and money.  Not only that, you can track all packages under my "SOLD ORDERS" tab.  Another time and money saving option.

I really love the fact that etsy only charges 20 cents per each item you list for sale.  and what I really like is they also upgraded that too.  So now, if you have one particular item and 20 in quantity, etsy no longer, charges you 20 cents each, but it only charges you 20 cents to list an item with multiple quantity and re-list your item when you make a sale.  And that is the only time etsy charges another 20 cents.  

So for this year, I'm planning on upgrading my packaging method by creating my own custom boxes for my crochets using cardstock papers with my logo imprinted on the box.  I think that will take my products to the next level. 

and I'm actually going to order some business cards and postcards.  Last year, I printed some flyers to include in my orders, but I can't find them right now.  I think if I made custom boxes it will eliminate the flyers, maybe. 

and I would like to include a Thank you card.

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