Friday, July 27, 2012

Recent Sold Items

I love it when I actually received sales in my etsy shop. and did I mentioned I love etsy. Here are my recent sold items.
Nook Simple Touch case cover sleeve.
Handmade Crochet by me Haniyyah
This is a simple pattern that I often use a lot.
Although I often use multiple color combination, I know some of my customers prefers one solid color.  and I love it when they loves it.

I get ecstatic when I get an order for my crochet pattern ebook.  
Love this pattern.  Its the simplest pattern, its single crochet (sc).  But I love the modern feel to it.  Its available for purchase at my etsy shop

You may not believe it, but this color combination was actually a custom order. and when I completed the customer order I had left over yarn and decided to make more.
and extra softness and subtle sheen of this yarn, made it hard to let this one go.

same type of yarn use as the Nook cover above but I used a Pistachio Green to make this Iphone case cover.  and Yeah!!! this is the first Iphone cover I sold.  I heart it.

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