Friday, May 25, 2012

Crochet Patterns ebook

I just recently published a new ebook for "Nook Simple Touch" Crochet Pattern.  Now I just have to figure out how to submit the ebook to Barnes and Nobles.  If you're interested in my new ebook, it is now available at


Check it out, it gives you a little preview of what to expect.  I included step by step instructions, what tools and materials to use, plenty of easy to follow images. and most of all you can view it on your Nook Color or Nook Tablet.

As you can see from my store, I have sold many Nook and Kindle crochet pouch.  and in this ebook, I share all of my shortcuts and techniques that I've figured and learned as making hundreds of crochet bags.

I will be posting a video on how this PDF ebook file looks on Nook Tablet.

If you purchased my ebook, please let me know your thoughts and creative criticism is appreciated.

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