Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Finally a blog

Now that I've finally started a new blog to post all of my creative ideas, I can clear my pc from all of this pictures, that I've been taking lately.  I recently caught the crochet bug.  And I've been hooking nonstop. 

I just bought a brand new Nook Simple Touch by Barnes and Nobles and didn't want to spend extra money on a sleeve.  And the creative deity in me opt to crocheing one.  And it led me to opening an etsy shop and posting my Handmade Crochet Sleeve on ebay also. 

Here are some sleeve I've made lately.

Pumpkin Orange Sleeve or Cover for Nook Simple Touch

Turquoise Teal Sleeve or Cover for Nook Simple Touch

Orange and Teal Sleeve or Cover for Nook Simple Touch

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