Saturday, August 10, 2013

Etsy vs. Artfire

"I'm thinking about signing up with Art Fire but want to ask a few of the vendors about their experience with it. How is the traffic on the site? Is it worth selling here? Thank you for your help. 

That really depends.  
I've been on etsy since Jan of 2012.  and I am doing good on etsy.  I've sold over 500 items on etsy shop.  (

I've only been on artfire ( for almost a month and have not receive any sales.  I can recall my first month on etsy, I didn't made a sale either.  So I'm still testing the waters on artfire.

Reason for my decision to open up an artfire account is because they have one set monthly fee of about $12 bucks per month.  Etsy charges .20 cents per item.  And because I have over 400 items listed on etsy, I didn't want to keep adding products.  But if you ever sold on etsy, you know the holiday is a blessing to sellers.  I did really well last holiday season and wished that I had much more products listed.  So in a way I'm preparing for the holidays.  

the other reason for an artfire account... I've accumulated lots of email address of customers and want to introduce to them my artfire shop, and draw traffic this way.   I'm still trying to fill up the shop before I send out a mass email.  So I'm not really getting that type of traffic on artfire.   What I do love about etsy is their stats report, even if I don't sale an item, I love the fact that you can see who favorite your items and how many views is getting.  This way, you kinda know what to keep creating and keep in stock in your shop.

What I did notice is that artfire really push your products and listed items on google search engine and shop.  And I also noticed that I don't have much competitions.  and I love their blog sections, which I plan on using.  

Hopes this helps you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

my new flyer

Surprisingly I don't have any business cards.  So I finally designed my new flyer for my crochet goods.  And I used one of the photos of the model (Deela) from my first photo shoot session.

So now, I don't feel so bad about not having a business cards, I can atleast hand over my flyer. 
I printed 4 to sheet to save ink.  

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