Monday, December 24, 2012

How to publish with Barnes and Nobles

I just recently figured out how to published an e-book with Barnes and Nobles.  I do believe that one day all books will be read on some time of digital format like the Barnes and Nobles Nook or Nook Simple Touch. 

Thanks to Barnes and Nobles, it is now so easy to publish your e-book and begin selling in as little as 24 hours. 

The first thing you want to do, is have your book ready for format and your book cover ready to go. 

About formatting:
I had no idea that your book format should be as simple as possible.  I was using state of the art layout program like Serif, QuarkXpress, and even Adobe inDesign, but the best tool is really Microsoft Word.  I was use to creating layout for print and had no idea that when creating a layout for e-book, it should be lite as possible.  If you book exceed 30 mb, it will get declined.  So I had to convert all of my images in my book to 500 pixels.  My book is heavy in images.  It contains lots of diagrams and figures and etc...  But after reducing my images resolution, it was less than 10mb, which is what I needed to upload to 

Book Covers:
Your book cover must be in JPEG, and should be at least on the side to be 1000 pixels. 

Registering with PUBIT is easy.  You just need credit card (but won't charge it) and bank account information so you can receive your royalties for e-book sales.

Here's a screen shot of my e-book on barnes and nobles website.

click HERE to purchase or check my e-book

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